In an extensive rebuild review in accordance with the DIN SPEC 3105 standardisation for open source hardware, we were able to check the documentation of the vhéliotech E-Cargo-Bike for completeness and confirm conformity. It is the most complex review with a complete rebuild to date. On the occasion of the German-French VULCA seminar and the […]
Why Tech-Commons die
The introduction of a new, closed Prusa CORE One should come as little surprise, but there could be a remedy A guest article by Paul Jerchel Commons die without commoning. Over time, free knowledge and common goods all become enclosed and largely inaccessible if there are no processes and continuously cultivated relationships that maintain them […]
OpenEcoLab Mapping: The contact phase has begun! | OSEG e.V.
The summer is entering its final phase, and our OpenEcoLab Mapping is evolving! The next phase of our project has begun: a few days ago, we started reaching out to potential OpenEcoLabs across Germany to invite them to join the OpenEcoLab network. Background: OpenEcoLabs are locations that implement open-source developments in hardware, as well as […]
Adapting open source methods to products
How does open hardware improve our lives? What are progressive engineers currently working on?