Open Source Hardware Booklet | OSEG e.V.

Open source hardware is an approach in which knowledge is shared openly. This enables individual and collaborative innovation on a scale we cannot even imagine today.

As part of a project funded by the Postcode Lottery, a booklet has been produced that attempts to provide a low-threshold introduction to the topic of open source hardware and to voice different perspectives on the concept. It also conveys the importance of good documentation in the context of open source hardware and provides support in the creation of such documentation.

For a brief overview, here is an excerpt from the table of contents:

  • What is Open-Source Hardware?
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Examples
  • Interview Moe – OSEG e.V.
  • DIN Standard & Certification Process
  • Interview Paul Anca and Ken Rostand – Open Funk
  • Review & Rebuild
  • Review & Rebuild Examples
  • Documentation
  • Interview Ingeborg Beckers and Sven Klinkow – BHT
  • Intellectual Property and Licenses
  • Open-Source Hardware Licenses
  • Open-Source Business Models and Ecosystems
  • OSEG Association Work
  • OSH Movement
  • Outlook

Sharing and Feedback

Take a look at the booklet, give us your feedback and feel free to distribute it to all interested parties!

Thank you very much!

Many thanks to Roman Süsin, who so patiently moderated and successfully brought together the many different voices in the association,
Louie Gavin for the layout and the pictures, which give open source hardware a new light-footed character, and Lee Stück for conducting and meticulously editing the interviews.
Many thanks also to all the other authors: Martin Schott, Martin Häuer, Sigrid Peuker and Lukas Schattenhofer

We would also like to thank the Postcode Lottery for supporting the project financially!

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