The introduction of a new, closed Prusa CORE One should come as little surprise, but there could be a remedy A guest article by Paul Jerchel Commons die without commoning. Over time, free knowledge and common goods all become enclosed and largely inaccessible if there are no processes and continuously cultivated relationships that maintain them […]
How Open Source Hardware can design our way out of this
A guest article from Juni Sun Neyenhuys talking about the necessity of Open Source Hardware on our way towards a circular society. The entire article is also available as PDF in English in a more pleasant format. 1_Introduction It is evident that we must design our way out of the current destructive and extractive system […]
News from the network: “Open Source Hardware” Conference in Dresden
With the motto “Innovation through Openness”, the first Germany-wide conference focussing on Open Source Hardware kicked off in Dresden. We were there and report on individual insights, successes and new connections to industry and research. Two years ago, we became aware of the new project at the HTW Dresden, OSHOP, which is now developing into […]
Open source hardware licences
Licensing the documentation and hardware makes it clear under what conditions the knowledge can be reused.