What we did last week?
- planned trip to Aachen, Bonn and Köln
- Gerd Wessling from Transition Towns Germany offered that we present OSE at the next Transition Towns conference.
- Kamala near Dresden offered land, living places and a workshop for OSE purposes.
- Albrecht von Sydow offered that we organize a half-day workshop in Wendland where we present shortly OSE and build one simple machine (e.g. wind turbine). He is also interested in open sourcing a machine for the production of Terra Preta
- Aron Homberg offered €500 donation for the first Wind Turbine prototype.
Main Blockages?
- more people engaged in OSE Germany development, so that we can really start taking off
- had to do some personal stuff
This week
- met Frank Piller – good impressions, will keep in touch as we grow.
- FabLab Aachen presentation + visit to Köln
- find organization that can give a donation receipt back to Aron and transfer the money to Alex.
- start developing the organizational structure: the structure itself + a legal entity
- connect back to Wendland
- continue with the OSE Video