OSEG as Open Network

One of the main goals of the Open Source Ecology Germany movement is to build the open network for collaborative development of the technologies.

When we say open it means that everything in the network is accessible to everyone and everyone who wants to is able to participate. We believe that only through openness and sharing we can improve the world we live in.

Everyone who works on sustainable technologies and wants to open source them is welcome to do so. Everyone can share their current status of development and their needs so that the people from the network know about it and help if they are able to. You can start your project by proposing it in the project incubator in the forum and explaining how it fits in the Open Source Economy.

We are building no hierarchies, we don’t have bosses, we are not stuck into identities, even our own, we are just open and all we care about is sustainble open source agile economical development for the benefit of all. We are in the beginning and we don’t have all the answers. You are welcome.

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